2018 Year-In-Review
December 4, 2018
Wow… five years!!!
Since the commercial launch of our eponymous product at Greenbuild 2013 in Philadelphia, half-a-decade has now elapsed. This is no minor milestone, so let’s catch up on the year that was for Canada’s leading (and everyone’s favourite) curtain wall start-up!
This year, we achieved an absolutely SMOKIN’ result with our CAN/ULC-S134 certification and in doing so launched the “GlasCurtain134” (Now Thermaframe7) system for non-combustible building envelopes, becoming the first curtain wall system to obtain (and require) this stringent certification in Canada. This is a massive hurdle overcome in the adoption of fibreglass-framed curtain wall systems in Canada, particularly in markets with greater building density and more demand for non-combustible envelopes. The genie is out of the bottle now and there’s no going back! We’re very excited that our first projects using GlasCurtain134 are already in the pipeline. Stay tuned!
In 2018, we also grew our network of installers to include Edge Glass in Calgary, Norglass in Bonnyville, and Vitrerie A&E Fortin in Jonquière. This expanded network allows us to compete evermore effectively in a growing proportion of this vast country of ours. It’s not easy to cover all the bases, and it can be a bit of chicken and egg between having projects specced and having installers to deliver product, but the strides we made in the last 12 months have been excellent and we’re very pleased with our pace of expansion. Next up : BC and Ontario!
On the project side, we completed our scope of work on the gorgeous Iqaluit Arctic College by Teeple and Cibinel as well as the sleekly Arthur Erickson-inspired RDC Residences by Manasc Isaac, and we completed fabrication for Haskayne Legacy Park Pavilion by Nyhoff Architects, which is all set for installation in early 2019.
On the “spreading the good word” front, we took to Instagram in earnest, maybe a bit late but with oodles of energy to make up for it (and feel free to follow us there for plenty of updates in between blog posts). This year, Peter also had his first magazine article published with the cover story in Glass Canada’s December 2018 issue!
Not that our presence was exclusively digital this past year. In addition to over 20 Lunch & Learns from coast-to-Canadian-coast, we had the pleasure of exhibiting at the CSC National Conference in Edmonton, RCI Canadian Building Envelope Technology Symposium in Toronto, and Passive House Canada Conference in Vancouver, while also attending Glass Talks in Vancouver, Inventure$ in Calgary, Northern Building Sciences Conference in Yellowknife, and the Green Building Festival in Toronto.
Phew! Not a bad 365 days!!
With all of that now firmly in the history (and record) books, from all of us here at GlasCurtain, wishing you a very Merry Christmas, Happy Chanukah, Happy New Years and overall Happy Holidays to you and yours.
To a bigger, better, and more thermally comfortable year ahead!