
Boston Medical Center

The Boston Medical Center (BMC) Yawkey Lobby project marks an exciting milestone for GlasCurtain: our first project in the United States! Utilizing our industry-leading Thermaframe 9 PH system, this facility renovation and expansion will bring new light and openness to an existing concrete building.

Meeting the stringent new Massachusetts Stretch Code was a significant design constraint on this project, especially given the high glazing ratios specified by the client and the relatively cold Boston climate. Thankfully, GlasCurtain was able to offer proven solutions that allowed design architects at Tsoi Kobus Design to meet their aesthetic, performance, and budgetary requirements.

This project extends GlasCurtain’s experience in cold-climate healthcare buildings, a sector commonly affected by poorly performing building envelopes that cause condensation and mold due to the high interior relative humidity (RH) needed to protect sensitive populations. At BMC, set to be completed in 2025, Thermaframe 9 PH was able to minimize condensation risk and allow for simplified maintenance requirements given that our triple-glazed fibreglass-framed systems remain above the dew point even at -18ºC (0ºF) with RH levels of 50%.

  • Building Type:


  • Location:

    Boston MA

  • Architect:

    Tsoi Kobus Design

  • Product Used:

    Thermaframe 9 PH

  • Year of completion:
