ZAK World of Facades Presentation – Toronto 2024

By Peter | Blog

May 29, 2024

Our first ZAK World of Façades is in the history books! This 2nd-ever Toronto event and 150th in the global series was a tremendous success, providing a platform for high-level discussions and showcasing the best innovations in façade design.

One of the highlights of the event was the opportunity to present our work on the Nunatta Campus in Iqaluit. This project, designed by Teeple Architects from Toronto and Cibinel Architects from Winnipeg, features our advanced fibreglass-framed curtain walls integrating aerogel-based Solera daylight units from Advanced Glazings. While many presentations focused on towering high-rise projects, we were proud to highlight the importance and sustainability of low-rise buildings, which make up the majority of new buildings completed in Canada.

Peter Dushenski, our Managing Director, delivered a passionate presentation on the challenges and innovations of designing for extreme climates. His talk, “The Cold, Hard Facts: Achieving Beauty, Durability, and Daylight North of 60°,” emphasized the importance of integrating beauty, natural light, and thermal performance in Arctic architecture.

We invite you to watch Peter’s full presentation on YouTube and explore the innovations that are shaping the future of façade design in cold climates.

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